Soccer Mommying Basics

Victoria Beckham Aviators  (here and here) | similar J. Crew Tee | Frame Le High Destroyed Crop Jeans | Common Projects Sneakers

Yesterday we finished up spring soccer seventeen after a weekend tournament for Addy Kate. Of course we’re not off for long with soccer try-outs in a week, summer swim team already in progress AND plenty of summer sports camps. Although the schedules and commuting can be intense ALL of those hours of activity outside and on the fields I can assure you puts these guys in far better moods than having them all at home at all times even with plenty of outside time at home AND anywhere else we happen to go. We’re at our Whole Foods outside play area (they have an inside play area too)…I love this trend, the more activity anywhere, the better. As for the intensity of coordinating sports for us is worth it!

For all this go, go, go however…I never feel like I have enough go to basics. Don’t get me wrong I will wear nearly anything in my closet for soccer mommying days and it’s usually whatever is in eye sight.  When I walk in to my closet to actually think about it, I realize that I tend to focus on denim and shorts (and dresses too) and not tops. So, I’m going to make at least an effort to shift focus to tops and restock at the very least basics starting with tees.  For the denim, I feel like I have at least a good start.  I’m a huge fan right now of any Frame denim, the Le High fit is at the top of my list with a few more colors versions on my must get soon list.  Soccer mommying is wrapping up for now, but the wardrobe restock of basics is just getting started! And some of these basics for my favorite J. Crew tees are 25% off with code GOFISH!!! Let’s go shop!!! xxxxjess

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